Bluetooth speakers are one of my all time favorite bits of tech. It wasn’t that long ago that affordable portable speakers were a non-existent category, but things have changed over the past decade or so. Now, you not only have Bluetooth speakers that fit easily in a bag, but many of them also deliver top quality sound. And one of the best companies in this space? Ultimate Ears. I’ve been a huge fan of their speakers for some time — I even wrote a love letter to one — but one of the company’s most impressive new models is the Wonderboom 2. When I reviewed the Bluetooth speaker, I came away gushing. I adored the Wonderboom 2 at its normal price ($80), but it’s gotten even better now you can pick this lovely thing up for only $50. In fact, I’d say it’s a goddamn bargain. Because videos are cool, I’ve even gone on YouTube and found the marketing content of your dreams. Have a look at this: Basically, the Wonderboom 2 is a compact speaker that sounds great and is perfect for, well, basically anywhere you’d like to listen to some music. Is it going to fill a concert hall? Probably not. But is it great for listening to at the park? Or in the garden? Or in the shower? You’re damn right it is. The Wonderboom 2 is tough, rugged speaker that is a perfect day-to-day companion. Considering its size, it also sounds great, with more bass than you’d expect, and a rich, luxurious balance to the sound it creates. I considered the Wonderboom 2 a must buy at $80, so now it’s down to $50, it’s, uh, an even more must buy? I dunno, I’m hungover. Just buy the damn thing if you want a top quality portable speaker. That is all. This post includes affiliate links to products that you can buy online. If you purchase them through our links, we get a small cut of the revenue.