The software’s pretty simple to use. You open the DoNotPay client, input the details of the fraudulent business including any evidence you can provide, and hit send. The IRS (for US users) or HMRC (for UK users) will then contact you concerning any cash rewards. In the case of the IRS, reporters could be eligible for up to 30% of the total value of assets recovered by the US government. This is all accomplished through some amazing feats in the field of natural language processing. The same basic principles and technology governing the company’s email offerings power its new “report tax fraud” feature. In describing these AI systems Joshua Browder, DoNotPay’s CEO, told Neural: Aside from just operating as a portal for tax fraud whistleblowers, DoNotPay’s main bread-and-butter is its email “robo lawyer.” Both are included in the company’s subscription service. For $3 a month, in addition to the tax fraud reporting service, you can get an @DoNotPay email address that you can either use to sign up for services in the future or forward all your related emails to. DoNotPay’s AI system will scan your emails for opportunities to save or make you money by cancelling subscriptions, joining class action spam lawsuits, checking your receipts for tax write-offs, and myriad other services including flight check-in and automated refund requests. Browder also told Neural that DoNotPay was currently working on browers plug-ins for Chrome and Safari that will allow seamless integration between their system and your email — something that should allow the AI to crawl your old emails automatically. Can you imagine what kind of money is lying around in decades worth of emails entombed in billions of forgotten spam folders? For more info check out the company’s website here.