Now, several Facebook employees are articulating their displeasure about this decision on Twitter. Earlier this morning, the company’s director of product management, Jason Toff, said that “he’s not proud of how we’re showing up.” [Note: If you’re a Facebook employee who wants to talk to us about what’s going on at the company, email me at [email protected]]

— Jason Toff (@jasontoff) June 1, 2020 Several other employees have also chimed their opinions about Mark Zuckerberg’s decision to keep the tweet up on Facebook.

— Stirman (@stirman) May 30, 2020

— Sara Zhang (@superrrsara) May 29, 2020

— Margo Very Stern (@wordstern) May 31, 2020 Bloomberg reporter Sarah Frier noted that this sort of public airing of disappointment from Facebook employees is uncommon:

— Sarah Frier (@sarahfrier) June 1, 2020 According to a report by The Verge published last week, Facebook employees are protesting against the company’s decision on its internal forum as well. It noted that Monika Bickert, the company’s vice president of global policy management, wrote a post on Facebook’s internal site saying Facebook shouldn’t be in the business of vetting what politicians say in the context of political debate: Last week, in an interview with Fox News, Zuckerberg said Facebook won’t fact-check politicians. This drew severe criticism from all corners with some satire sites declaring him dead. Zuckerberg’s comments come at a time when executives from major tech companies such as Apple, Google, Twitter, and Spotify are issuing statement in support of the Black community. The tweet below from The Plug founder Sherrell Dorsey links to a database of tech companies and their leaders who have spoken out in solidarity with the Black community.

So with the help of many you and my new editorial assistant, we’ve developed a database of tech companies/CEOs that have made public statements in support of Black employees & communities during this time. View our spreadsheet here: — Sherrell Dorsey (@Sherrell_Dorsey) May 30, 2020 Earlier today, Zuckerberg published a post on Facebook in solidarity with the Black community and said the company will be donating $10 million to groups working on racial justice. However, there was no comment on Trump’s posts. We have asked Facebook to provide a comment on what action it is taking in response to its dissenting employees, and we’ll update the story if we hear back.