When you make your list of the most groundbreaking business innovations of the 20th century, you might overlook something like the simple spreadsheet. But when you consider how much impact spreadsheets, and more specifically, Microsoft Excel have had on 21st century digital accounting and data analysis, it makes a strikingly strong case. Microsoft Excel knowledge remains a benchmark skill set for any entrepreneur, so understand its full role in enterprise building with the training in The Complete Excel Bundle: MBA & Startup Toolbox. It’s available now from TNW Deals at thousands off its regular price, only $39. The course collection is massive, featuring 14 courses that help even an Excel novice learn the basics of spreadsheets before graduating to more advanced data management tactics. After this training, you’ll know all the smartest and fastest ways to complete any task, everything from importing data smoothly to understanding pivot tables, automating repetitive processes and even re-formatting entire projects. There’s also an emphasis on adapting data sets to chart business growth and projections, including visual modeling. Each course in this package routinely runs $200, but by getting in on this limited-time package, you’ll get all 14 courses for $39, less than $3 per course. Prices are subject to change.