Johnny-come-latelys to the coding scene can gush about their Pythons or their Ruby on Rails all they want. But when it’s all said and done, JavaScript still rules the programming roost. The venerable language has been the core of the web and web development for 25 years, with no real signs that its dominance will come to a close anytime soon. That means any coder who really wants to work in web production better be fluent in exactly how JavaScript works and what it can do. The 2022 JavaScript Developer Bootcamp Certification Bundle ($25.49 after code SAVE15NOW from TNW Deals) is that JS classroom any newcomer or experienced hand alike can use to lock down that essential knowledge. The collection sports a package of eight courses including over 120 hours of in-depth training that can help novice JavaScript users get familiar, while helping more seasoned JS users pick up that critical trick or two for shaving time and unneeded complexity from their builds. Even if it’s your first time coding, courses like JavaScript Beginner Bootcamp 2022 and JavaScript for Beginners: The Complete Introduction to JS can be your gateway drug. These courses start from scratch and build a solid understanding of the world’s most popular programming language, from basic commands to creating interactive web pages, to being abe to build your own projects using JavaScript.  With the fundamentals in place, further courses test the boundaries of that learning. The 2022 JavaScript Developer Bootcamp expands a student’s understanding, hurling a set of mini-projects that led first-timers practice with real world examples. Then The Complete JavaScript Developer Course brings it all together, tasking students with crafting a professional JavaScript project from start to finish. Meanwhile, the training doesn’t end there, with further courses walking learners through the creation and publication of their own Google Chrome extension, a slick Pac-Man style game project, and even the steps for becoming a full stack JavaScript pro using multiple disciplines like ReactJS, NodeJS, LoopbackJS, Redux, Material-UI, and socket programming. With training that would usually go for almost $1,600, The 2022 Javascript Developer Bootcamp Certification Bundle is not only significantly discounted, it’s also got a pre-Black Friday sale price that drops your total to only $25.49 when shoppers use the code SAVE15NOV during checkout. Prices are subject to change