If Rihanna is involved in a copyright infringement lawsuit, it would be easy to assume that some eager YouTuber used “Umbrella” on one of their videos or a blogger created a post and illegally swiped her likeness.  Nope. Turns out, Rihanna is the one being sued. According to the suit, the pop star used the work of father-daughter musicians King Khan and Saba Lou without permission in an Instagram video promoting her beauty brand — and now, they’re seeking unspecified damages. And by the time it’s all said and done, Rihanna’s bank account could be lighter by a couple of zeros. Being on the receiving end of a copyright infringement suit is nobody’s idea of a good time. Rather than playing Russian roulette with potentially dodgy sources, a prime library like JumpStory Authentic Stock Photography can remove all of those worries while offering an added layer of professionalism and graphic panache to any media project. As a JumpStory member, users immediately get access to a stockpile of more than 25 million images, videos, illustrations, vector graphics, music and more. Everything in the JumpStory archive is easily downloadable in a host of different file formats, legally cleared and ready for use in anything from a YouTube video to a blog, from a website to a social media post, or even a sales email. Stock photography is in the JumpStory name, but as mentioned, it’s by no means the extent of their powers. While JumpStory is home to more to 20 million professional photos in dozens of different categories, including over 100 collections surrounding trending topics, there are also 500,000 videos, 500,000 illustrations, and more than 200,000 vector graphics, icons, fonts and more. Meanwhile, another 20,000-plus new additions get included in the library virtually every day. Then…there’s JumpStory’s secret weapon. With their ultra-handy AI TextMatch feature, you can have JumpStory assess your text and search the archive for perfect image options to match your written words. Meanwhile, there’s also the HighJumper AI tool, which looks at images you’re considering, then predicts which ones will make the greatest impact and generate the most clicks for your work. A lifetime subscription to JumpStory Authentic Stock Photography would usually cost over $2,300, but you can get it now as part of this deal for a whole lot less, just $99.99. Prices are subject to change.