There’s a snap conclusion we all reach when we look for a company online, only to find they didn’t have a website. We immediately question whether the company is legitimate. Hey, everybody is on the web these days, so when we stumble across a business that hasn’t made that leap, we start to wonder how serious they are — and whether we should trust them with our business. A digital presence is brand currency, so even if you’ve never built a marketing page before and have no idea what to do, Launchrock ($49.99, 87 percent off from TNW Deals) has the tools to get that page up and running in minutes. Just select the design template you like from Launchrock’s bevy of choices — and with a single click, you’re already halfway there. Users with limited tech skills and no coding experience should still have an easy time navigating Launchrock’s visual editor, which lets builders select the options they want from simple drop-down menus and clear on-page controls. However, if you have a little bit of coding knowledge to fall back on, Launchrock offers complete access to your page HTML, CSS, and Javascript code for a level of customization many lesser page builders don’t offer. Also unlike lesser services, Launchrock lets you use your own custom web domain or create subdomains as needed.  Launchrock also places a high value on helping you get your page noticed. Their pages come with a bunch of built-in tools like editable SEO components and custom sharing features to help you get discovered on search engines like Google, engage with customers and build an audience from Day 1. Launchrock’s simple email capture tool allows you to connect directly to your customers and conduct data-rich surveys or provide weekly newsletter updates to keep your product top of mind. In addition to your landing page, Launchrock also offers a wealth of actual business knowledge as well, including over 1,000 in-depth guides to help conquer nearly any conceivable startup challenge as well as on-demand startup advice from over 20,000 potential business mentors. A lifetime of access to Launchrock’s full service is normally almost $400, but with the current offer, it’s all yours for only $49.99. Prices are subject to change.