When assessing men and women creating websites and apps, it’s safe to guess they’re likely pretty bright folks. It’s not like you can just slap together a decent web experience without having at least some level of product or marketing knowledge, right?  Well, while those creators might have realized that they’ll eventually need to market their web content, they likely haven’t thought through exactly how that will happen. Like…how do you create product images to go on your app store page or standalone website? Mockuuups is an ingenious way of getting around the need to shoot all your own product photos yourself with no pesky post-production Photoshop work. Right now, you can pick up a lifetime subscription to Mockuuups Studio Premium service for 90 percent off its regular price, just $39.99 from TNW Deals. If you need to create marketing materials for your app or website, Mockuups makes it incredibly easy. Using their library of more than 600 high-quality scenes, all you’ve got to do is click and drag a screenshot of your working app on to the image — and Mockuuups automatically snaps that image into just the right position. So, want to see an image of a man viewing your app’s login screen from an iPad? Or maybe a woman’s hand as she scrolls through your website homepage on an Android phone? Just select the angle, background and device type that works for you…and Mockuuups handles the rest. Created and sized to fit any number of needs, you can create images for web ads, site tutorials, social media posts or even physical brochures or other marketing materials with just a few clicks. So instead of spending lots of time creating images you aren’t necessarily equipped or trained to create anyway, Mockuuups saves you hours of time and aggravation instead. It’s a hyper-specific service, but you’ll likely be surprised at the all-around utility that a Mockuuups Studio Premium account access offers. Retailing at over $400, a lifetime of access to their services is now on sale at 90 percent off, only $39.99 while this deal lasts. Prices are subject to change.