If now and again, you want to keep you’re social prowess to yourself, Momento is a cunning app that lets you store your notes and diary as well as keep in touch with your networks too. I mean let’s be honest, you don’t like being out of touch do you? One of the key pluses for me, is the smart tagging feature that let’s you associate an entry with one of you’re iPhone contacts, location through GPS or you’re usual blogging style tags. Another key feature is that the app not only organises your entries via the calendar but does the same for your social network activity in addition, letting you view and monitor your online life from afar. All your social network activity is highlighted in blue while your entries in orange, keeping a clear distinction on both sides of your digital diary. At current you can import and view your Twitter, Facebook, Flickr and Last.fm feeds with hopefully more to come. The way the app steers you to organising your entries through tagging is neat, though I couldn’t find a way of simply listing my entries.  Maybe that feature was too obvious for this innovative application. The fluiditiy and clear direction that id3 have developed the application is a clear testament to their understanding of how users will interpret and use the service.

Dynamic content organising

I don’t think many of us realise exactly how trained we are at organising content, but we are constantly doing just that, just in more subtle and innovative ways that’s more inspiring than searching through your C drive. Whether it’s hastagging, geo-locating, categorising, trending and backing up your social life, it’s modern organisation that Momento matches and almost trains in you in from day one.

Value for money

Momento costs £1.79/$2.99 and for me it’s excellent value for money, especially with some of the garbage I’ve bought over the year and a half of being an iPhone user.  Not going to name names, but the stability, design and user interface coupled with a host of fantastic features leaves Momento as an app with real potential for gaining traction in your daily life. If your a blogger, a tweeter or just a journal lover whose just discovered the wonders of Steve Jobs over paper and pen, give Momento a go and be inspired by your social relationships, for your offline thoughts. You can buy Momento here from the iTunes App Store (UK link)

Record Your Life with Momento  a  Unique Approach to Diary Writing   iPhone App  - 19Record Your Life with Momento  a  Unique Approach to Diary Writing   iPhone App  - 40