North Americans spend an average of two hours a day consuming, or more accurately, devouring social media. And that’s just the time spent scrolling and reading and viewing and sharing. If you’re a brand trying to make an impact on social media, does that mean you need to be spending at least two hours a day crafting and curating content, engaging and boosting your profile? And if social media manager is just one of the hats you wear, do you really have two hours a day to devote solely to the unflinching 24/7/365 pursuit of a social presence? The answer is, probably not. Instead, you’ve got to work smarter, not longer. Services like the Socialii All-in-One Social Media Manager can help keep you on top of all the social media networks you need to dominate without it becoming an unquenchable time suck. Right now, you can get a lifetime subscription to a Socialii Pro plan for just $49.99, over 90 percent off the regular price. Rather than forcing you to hopscotch from platform to platform, Socialii’s ultra-simplified interface allows you to manage your social presence across multiple pages all in one place. With Socialii, you can publish to Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Whatsapp and all the other most popular platforms immediately or you can schedule your posts to go live later. In fact, Socialii is packed with a bunch of useful features for busy brand managers, including automated posting, email generation, audience targeting and more. Socialii also offers deep-dive analytics so you’ll always be able to see exactly how your posts are doing as well as mine valuable user insight on your followers, fans and friends.  Socialii can keep your audience interaction on point as well, alerting you to new comments and messages so you can offer up a response or even answer with a pre-written text, saving you loads of time each day. With a Pro plan, users can monitor and feed up to 20 different social profiles at once as well as craft 10 separate RSS feeds so you’ll never be out of the loop instantly. A $599.99 lifetime subscription to Socialii is now on sale for a fraction of that price, just $49.99. Prices are subject to change.