One way not to get too beaten down by current events is to start planning for what to do once it’s all over. Sure, no one knows the twists and turns our global community may take as a result of COVID-19, but rest assured, it will end eventually. And it pays to start turning your mind at least ever so slightly toward happier thoughts of what’s to come. As these troubles show us, our entire world is in this together, so it may be a good time to start planning ways to go see as much of it as possible. Of course, travel starts with communication, so while you’ve got this free time at home, maybe you can carve out a few minutes here and there to start learning the mother tongue of your top travel destinations. That way, you can actually get the most out of your trip — and training from Babbel Language Learning can certainly help. Right now, you can get a lifetime subscription to all the materials for learning up to 14 different languages for only $159, 60 percent off the regular price. Assembled with input from over 100 linguistic experts, Babbel has more than 8,500 hours of premium language instruction, all aimed to have you speaking confidently in your new language within a month. Babbel’s teaching methods are based around building you up to hold everyday conversations in your new language quickly, including everything from asking for directions to ordering meals to speaking with natives and learning more about their culture. Training is crafted into 10 to 15 minute easily digestible lessons, so even if your quarantined life is a bit hectic, you can still find just a few minutes a day to advance your training. Hand in hand with that real-world experience, Babbel’s proprietary speech recognition technology is there to help as well, actively gauging and assessing your spoken word proficiency. If your accent isn’t right or your speech isn’t quite measuring up, Babbel will let you know and offer methods to help solve the problem. By the time our virus worries are behind us, you can be ready to go anywhere in the world and fit right in. Access to a Babbel’s primary package of training in 14 of the world’s most popular languages is usually $399, but with this current deal, it’s only $159 while this offer lasts. Prices are subject to change