You’ve asked for it — nay, demanded it — since the day the website launched and now you’re getting it. Well, sort of.

yes, we’ve been working on an edit feature since last year! no, we didn’t get the idea from a poll 😉 we’re kicking off testing within @TwitterBlue Labs in the coming months to learn what works, what doesn’t, and what’s possible. — Twitter Comms (@TwitterComms) April 5, 2022 That’s right tweet fans, you’ll need a paid monthly subscription to Twitter Blue in order to experience the joy that is… editing your own tweets. While Twitter Support might claim the edit button isn’t being implemented in response to a poll, let’s just come right out and say it: the edit button is being implemented because the company’s second largest shareholder held a poll. After all, Twitter was recently forced to appoint Musk as a board member to keep him from gobbling up the company a few percentages at a time.

— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) April 5, 2022 As of the time of this article’s publishing the poll has received more than four million votes. And if that isn’t enough to convince you that Musk’s influence is as outsized as his ego when it comes to the house that Jack (Dorsey) built, the current CEO of Twitter, Parag Agrawal, chimed in to let everyone know that the outcome of the poll would “be important.”

— Parag Agrawal (@paraga) April 5, 2022 So there you have it. If you’re one of the millions of people who’ve been clamoring for an edit button, you can thank Elon Musk. And, in order to use that edit button, for now, you’ll have to express your gratitude by forking over a monthly fee — something the shareholders will certainly appreciate.