When you hear someone is embarking on a career as a writer, it immediately conjures romantic images of epic novels, larger than life characters and Hemingway-esque adventure.  Sure, some writers have their heart set on crafting the Great American Novel. But more importantly, every writer wants to be read. And for every writer with visions of becoming the next Stephen King, there are dozens of writers earning healthy paychecks fashioning the words that we actually encounter every hour of every day all around us. Copywriting is more than advertising taglines and “Mad Men.” In fact, with the explosion of digital media over the past two decades, opportunities to build a thriving and lucrative career as a copywriter are more plentiful — and more attainable — than ever. What is a Copywriter? Copywriting is the alchemy of art and science used in assembling just the right words that will persuade potential customers to take action and actually buy a product or service. So at its heart, you can say copywriting is actually a hyper-specialized form of sales. But instead of selling to one man or woman who picks up their phone, answers their door or walks into your storefront, a copywriter’s job is to sell their product’s message to hundreds, thousands, even millions everywhere via advertising, social media, web content and more. Consider this: according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, over 14.5 million Americans work in sales or a sales-related occupation. Meanwhile, the department puts the number of Americans paid to write for a living at just over 100,000. And with so many salespeople and so few writers out there, did we mention that the services of qualified copywriting specialists have never been in greater demand? But while the market is awash with possibility for enterprising copywriting talent, being a man or woman who can use words to connect with an audience and motivate action in 2019 requires an even more acute skill set than past generations ever dreamed. The Conundrum of Modern Copywriting That’s because Americans have become increasingly savvy about how and when they’re being sold to. And they’re demanding more. Those old school 200-to-300 word web posts constructed as click bait don’t cut it anymore. Over the past five years, OrbitMedia found the length of an average blog post has risen from about 800 words to more than 1,150 words each. They also take more about an hour longer to compose. But there are riches for those who put in the work…because the longer a copywriter works on a blog post, the higher the percentage who report “strong results” from their efforts. So if more time spent equals better results, how are the most successful copywriting talent able to invest their time where it belongs, in the work? That doesn’t come from having writing talent. It comes from an expert-level understanding of the copywriting industry, how each facet of that industry operates and an almost innate knowledge of what messaging works — and what doesn’t — with a 2019 audience. Become a Copywriter Understanding copywriting like the back of your hand requires the right training from the ground up. A course package like The Complete Digital Copywriting Master Class Bundle ($39, over 90 percent off, from TNW Deals) can serve as the rock-solid foundation from which to build a flourishing copywriting career, whether your goal is to get hired with a company’s in-house copywriting team or be your own boss as a freelance copywriter for hire. Across these eight courses, training covers all the vital areas of 2019 copywriting, including everything from ad text and analytics to social media and email marketing. The instruction comes through real, practical experience in engaging an audience, hitting just the right tone and messaging, generating traffic and even copywriting formulas that eliminate the threat of the dreaded writer’s block. Courses included are:

The Complete Digital Marketing Management Course (a $299 value) Facebook Marketing: How to Write the Perfect Post (a $199 value) Copywriting: How To Be A Crazy Good Copywriter (a $95 value) Key to a Great Copywriting Career (a $199 value) How To Start Your Own Freelance Copywriting Business (a $165 value) Modern Copywriting: Writing Copy That Sells in 2019 (a $199 value) Copywriting 101 Essential Skills (a $20 value) Copywriting Masterclass: Writing That Sells (a $1 value)

For those who learn best through structure, no problem — the courses feature a professionally designed 100-page guide walking students step by step through the essentials of successful copywriting. And if you’ve got an entrepreneurial spirit, there’s also vital guidance on setting up a growing freelancing business, including the often anxiety-inducing business side of the equation. Packing in almost $1,200 worth of coursework, this career-redefining training is available now for a limited time at less than $5 per course. Prices are subject to change.